Call for Board Members to help us reach these themes and goals through art and community programs!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity:

Our reach needs to be expanded across all cultural backgrounds. Our applications are being build to be user friendly and encouraging to those who may not have the means to make underwater recreation available.

Mission Blues is looking to build a board with cultural differences, lifestyles, and experiences to help aid in getting our programs into a diversified group of individuals

Civic Engagement:

Diving is all about the buddy system and reinforcing the importance of leaving no one behind. The first thing you learn in diving is that the person with the least amount of air calls the dive in order to keep everyone safe. When you look out at bodies of water you rarely think about what is below until you go down yourself and find an entirely new world that is not only beautiful but necessary for our survival. Instilling the importance of marine life and learning to love the underwater world opens up an entirely new conversation. This conversation and the reasoning that we all can’t go through life just focusing on ourselves is a crucial wake up call for our kids.

Ask yourself, or your kids this question, “What do you see when you look out at a lake?”

I’m guessing their answers will range from, the waves to the sunset etc.. We rarely think about what we can’t see, so it is imperative that we begin to make it more accessible to show people what is below the water here in our regions. You don’t know what you don’t know of, and often times, seeing is believing!

Environmental Sustainability:

Educating a love for marine life and conservation is of utmost importance. Our processes and programs include the importance of advocating for our environment. Additionally, we incorporate the importance of marine life on our land life. There are no chemicals and/or harmful materials used in any of our programs. Environmental conservation is a common theme with lovers of the underwater world. Let’s get people off our waters and into them instead. Reducing the boating industry which contaminates and kills our marine life and instead encourage active, underwater recreation.

Organizational Sustainability:

Diving into the stability of the organization will require business champions, program collaborating with Underwater preserve organizations and establishments like the DNR & the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, & Energy (EGLE). Grants and private funding are all in the pipeline. We have so much room for growth here in this region in regards to Ecotourism, underwater gardens, fish aggregation, underwater art museums, diving & snorkeling. The Great Lakes are truly great and it’s about time we start treating them as such.

Looking to create measurable impact in our region regarding environmental awareness and underwater life.

If interested in talking about becoming a board member please contact us via email.


Water in my face


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